You are traveling through Colombia and looking for a way to give back? Then look no further and visit the shelter in Riohacha. The shelter always needs a helping hand, be it for a week or a month, be it from a vet student, a handicraft (wo)man or a person who is gifted with a big heart. Certainly there is always work to do with the dogs. But even if you are more of a crafts person, we can use your help.
You love dogs and want to work with them? Then be prepared for the full load: feeding, weighing the dogs and giving medicine, washing and treating them for ticks and fleas, going for walks to the beach, cleaning up after the dogs around the house, accompanying Gloria or Alfredo to the market to buy food and supplies, assisting the vets on sterilization days, and much more…
More of a handy (wo)man and into crafts? We always need help around the house fixing things, be it repairing a broken fence or light or building a new playground for the dogs.
Then come on and visit us! You can take profile pictures of the new dogs, so we can introduce them to our adopt-a-dog online campaign. And you can share your impressions on our facebook page and tag us on instagram.
Your vacation time is limited and you can’t stay for longer? Well, maybe you just want to stop by on your way through and say hello to the dogs. With 45 dogs it’s quite difficult to pay equal attention to each one of them. All the dogs at the Fundación Riocanes are very friendly and so excited for visitors. We promise a welcome concert by our 15 dog front yard orchestra and lots of love for every minute you spend with them.
Of course we are happy if you share your experience and spread the word about our project.
Gloria and Alfredo are very engaged in the local community. Gloria teaches children to read and write. Her goal is to build a library for the children of the very poor neighbourhood, where they can learn in a safe environment and at the same time learn to live and play with animals in a proper way. You can read to the children, do arts and crafts with them and if you can spare a little more time, even teach them English. The children appreciate book donations and as “stereotypical” as it is, if you arrive with a pocket full of candy, they’ll hand their hearts to you on a silver plate.
If you are interested in any of the above posibilities, don't hesitate to get in touch with us: