How you can help

The Fundación Riocanes is run by Gloria and her husband Alfredo, who both live on their very small pension and use all their money for the dogs. As the shelter does not receive any kind of government support, they are always short on supplies and money.

Veterinarians and food suppliers cooperate with the shelter to keep these costs as low as possible, but by the middle of the months, the first delivery of food is gone and donations in any form are urgently needed.

Every donation, be it small or big, and in any form possible is appreciated.

We know you work hard for your money, but maybe you could go over your daily expenses and see if there is room for a small donation? Your daily cup of coffee to go, the weekly style magazine or that last drink in the club that you know will cause you a bad hangover? Maybe you’d be able to skip one of your habits once a week/a month and donate that amount to us? The shelter but even more the dogs will appreciate your charity.

